Reset File & Folder Permission to 0644 and 0755

If you have wrongly configured files and folder permission (it should be 0644 for files and 0755 for folders), you should follow tutorial below.

NOTICE: Configuration files containing sensitive data (etc: MySQL database password or FTP password) should be 0400 to prevent user on the same server reading the files.

1. Connect using Filezilla to your account.
2. Ensure that public_html folder has been set to 0750 permission
3. Select all Folders and right-click and click "File Permission". 
4. Make sure numeric value is 0755, tick Recurse into sub-directories and tick Apply to folders only.
5. Repeat step 3 & 4 to change permission for Files. 


1. Folder "public_html" , "public_ftp" must be 0750.
2. PHP.INI or php.ini must be 0644 or 0640 if available. 

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